Swimmom’s Weblog

Diary of a Stay-at-home Mom, motherhood and beyond

A big day October 31, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — swimmom @ 3:17 pm
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My son had his first Halloween parade at school yesterday. It was very cute. Kids from preschool to Kindergarten sang Halloween songs. Of course the kids his age or those that were experiencing their first Halloween parade stood their in shock of all the people watching them, cried, or tried to seek out their parents to run to and hide. My usually very outgoing son, who talks a lot and loves attention, looked terrified and stood there in shock with is hands in his mouth. My son is very tall, 2 1/2 years old and about 42″ tall now, so people really perceive him to be at least 3 1/2 almost 4 and they expect him to do more things. He was standing with a group of the older kids and they were singing and my son was standing with his hands in his mouth. I have never seen him do that until yesterday. But I was very proud of him. He didn’t cry, which at times looked like he might. It must be hard growing up, especially at that age. Being thrust into a new environment, learning a world of new things. I am proud of him for going to school and enjoying it. Everyday I pick him up he has a big smile on is face, dirty, but with a big smile. What more can a mother ask for!