Swimmom’s Weblog

Diary of a Stay-at-home Mom, motherhood and beyond

Lead-Free Toys November 9, 2007

Filed under: Uncategorized — swimmom @ 10:36 pm
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So, with the current toy crisis (i wouldn’t have called it a crisis until I had children), I am looking for safe gifts for my children.

Maybe we should consider going back to the old-school toys.

I never remember, nor do my parents recall, having so many toy recalls when I was a kid.

How about buying toys, made in the US, or just from a manufacturer that seems to care.

Check out this website, Heirloom Wooden Toys.

Good ‘Ol Wooden Toys.

They make everything from the classic wooden blocks

perfect for helping your little one with his ABC’s,

to train sets and cars and trucks.

If you are looking for toys only made in the US (over half of their toys are made in the US), they have a section just for you.

But most importantly, they work hard to make sure their toys are safe and well-made for children.